Bonsella September 2021 Newsletter
September 21
Our latest eNewsletter includes information on the following topics:
Single Touch Payroll update – From 1 January 2022, most employers will be required to send additional information through STP as part of Phase 2 of the rollout.
Tax time 2021: rental property pitfalls – The ATO is again closely monitoring tax deduction claims in relation to rental properties.
New sharing economy reporting regime proposed – The government is seeking to legislate compulsory reporting for sharing economy platforms to more easily monitor tax compliance and reduce the need for ATO resources.
Reminder: super changes for the 2021 financial year – Individuals aged 65 and 66 can now access the bring-forward arrangement for non-concessional super contributions, the excess contributions charge is removed, and individuals can now recontribute a COVID-19 super early release amount without hitting their non-concessional cap.